My bread and butter has been casting horoscopes since I was a young woman in the 1970's. This is an intricate, in-depth look at a person based on astrological factors present the day they were born, which influence and impact both the present and future. It is one of the most ancient forms of revealing a person's innermost desires, thoughts, and feelings. At the heart of astrology is the metaphysical principle that mathematical relationships express qualities or tones of energy which manifest in numbers, visual angles, shapes and sounds – all connected within a pattern of proportion. The stars cycle with the earth, we are no different, our lives reflect the positions of the planets, we are all one.
To inquire about an astrological reading you can e-mail Cal at or submit your request via the below form.
To inquire about an astrological reading you can e-mail Cal at or submit your request via the below form.
Working with the light life tools
I started working with Slim Spurling in the spring of 2001. He and I developed a relationship that grew into something that only comes along once in a Blue Moon. Shortly after our second workshop together, in the fall of that year, because I was an author, already working on my second book, Slim asked me to write a book for him. He said he wanted me to document his life and his research. From that day until the day his heart stopped six years later, I kept a record of everything Slim said and did.
As service to those of you who have nothing written to refer to in the way of instructions, I have decided to re-print an 18 page document that I wrote for the Spirit of Ma’at Magazine in 2004, and make it available to anyone who would like a clear and concise description of how and why the Light-Life Technology works. At the moment, until I write the epilogue to my and Slim’s original writing, this comprehensive “Users Guide” will serve as a quick reference for those of you who want to get a handle on what to do with the Light-Life Tools. You can click the "User's Guide" link above to check it out.
As service to those of you who have nothing written to refer to in the way of instructions, I have decided to re-print an 18 page document that I wrote for the Spirit of Ma’at Magazine in 2004, and make it available to anyone who would like a clear and concise description of how and why the Light-Life Technology works. At the moment, until I write the epilogue to my and Slim’s original writing, this comprehensive “Users Guide” will serve as a quick reference for those of you who want to get a handle on what to do with the Light-Life Tools. You can click the "User's Guide" link above to check it out.
"Slim Spurling's universe" - by cal garrison
"Slim Spurling's Universe" was transcribed directly from a series of taped conversations that took place between Slim Spurling and Cal Garrison between 2001 and 2004. Soon after Slim's death in 2007 the book was allowed to go out of print. In order to preserve the first written record of both the man and his research, we offer a free download of "Slims Spurling's Universe" for those of you who would like to know more about the 'Merlin of Geobiology', and about the history and origins of the Light-Life Tools.
personally recommended:
“Healing Yourself With Cannabis Oil” is a 49 page eBook that covers in great detail the research and protocols of Rick Simpson. Rick re-discovered the healing power of Cannabis Oil & treated over 5,000 people with success rates in the 95% plus range. The book is a multimedia educational course, with video links, article links, resource guides, and all the details of Rick’s methods. You’ll learn what it is, how to make it, how to buy it, and much, much more. You won’t find all this information compiled and organized like this anywhere else!
While it is offered here in its entirety, a minimum donation of $5.00 is suggested to cover the author's time, knowledge and dedication to this amazing sacred and healing plant. Please make check or money order payable to "Don Askew" or "Cash" and mail to the below:
c/o Cal Garrison
PO Box 3392
Sedona, AZ 86340-3392
While it is offered here in its entirety, a minimum donation of $5.00 is suggested to cover the author's time, knowledge and dedication to this amazing sacred and healing plant. Please make check or money order payable to "Don Askew" or "Cash" and mail to the below:
c/o Cal Garrison
PO Box 3392
Sedona, AZ 86340-3392
check back soon for astrology workshops and more musings...
Cal Garrison is a practicing astrologer with over 40 years of experience in the field. At present she goes between casting horoscopes, writing books, and working as environmental clearing specialist. Her articles have appeared in Glamour Magazine, Nexus Magazine, the Beltane Papers, and Sage Woman, to name a few. Well known as the former Editor in Chief at Drunvalo Melchizedek's online magazine, 'The Spirit of Ma'at', Cal is perhaps better known for her weekly horoscope column. An author with six books to her credit, and another one on the way, Ms. Garrison lives happily in the Red Rocks of Sedona, Arizona.